College GPA Calculator (2024)

Want to calculate your college GPA? Our easy to use college GPA calculator will help you calculate your GPA and stay on top of your grades. Whether you are taking degree courses online or are on a community college campus or studying at an ivy league university – we’ve got you covered.

Tip: Try our simple to use grade calculator to calculate your course grade assessment and final test grades.

How to use the College GPA Calculator

Step-by-step Instructions

Find your GPA within minutes with these quick steps:

  1. Add Your Letter Grade
  2. Add Your Class Credits
  3. Calculate your GPA

1. Add Your Letter Grade

You can select your current letter grade or experiment with a grade estimate to figure out your GPA. To get your grade, you can ask your teacher, as most are happy to give you your grade before the final report card.

However, for the grades you cannot confirm, you can estimate and choose a grade. Grades can range from A+ to an F on the 4.0 Scale. For each class, choose a letter grade from the drop-down menu.

2. Add Your Class Credits

Enter the grade and earned credit for each class. For example, if you have earned A for a 4 credit class, then enter 4 in the box next to the credits. You can add both weighted and unweighted high school classes.

Your weighted classes receive extra points on the GPA scale. Unweighted classes are regular and do not carry any extra points.

Continue to enter counts of all your grades earned in coursework. Your Semester GPA is calculated and shown above. Add another class. Your GPA will be calculated for all the subjects and grades you enter. It is alright if you have fewer than 5 classes to enter. If you have more than 5 classes, you can click the “Add another class” button as many times as you need. Add “Add another semester” button if you need to add more semester.

3. Calculate Your College GPA

Your Overall college GPA for all semesters is calculated and shown at the bottom of the class list below “Add another semester” button. It’s that easy! The semester GPA and aggregate cumulative GPA will keep updating at the bottom of the page as you keep adding letter grade and class weight.

You can add multiple semesters to figure out aggregate and per semester weighted GPA. Follow these steps and you are well on your way to creating your very own report card!

Updating your GPA throughout the year will enable you to see if you are on track to reach your education goals. The feedback you get when you figure out your cumulative GPA score will let you know if you need to make adjustments in your study habits for assignments, review, and exams.

College GPA – FAQs

How do I calculate Semester GPA?

  1. Create a list of all the courses you took during the semester.
  2. Write down the letter grade you received for each course.
  3. Assign point values to these grades:
    • For regular courses (non-AP or Honors), A=4 points, B=3 points, C=2 points, D=1 point, F=0 points.
    • For weighted AP or Honors courses, A=5 points, B=4 points, C=3 points, D=2 points, F=0 points.
  4. Sum up all the points you’ve assigned to your grades.
  5. Count the total number of courses on your list.
  6. Finally, divide the total points by the number of courses to obtain your semester GPA.

How do I calculate Major GPA?

Same as the above, but only list your major-specific courses, note your grades (A=4, B=3, C=2, D=1, F=0), total the points, and divide by the number of major courses.

What will my GPA be after this semester?

To calculate your GPA, list all past and current courses with corresponding letter grades. Assign point values (A=4, B=3, C=2, D=1, F=0) for unweighted or (A=5, B=4, C=3, D=2, F=0) for weighted GPA. Sum the points and divide by the number of courses for your GPA projection.

How do you calculate unweighted cumulative GPA?

To calculate your unweighted cumulative GPA, list all past courses with respective letter grades, assign point values (A=4, B=3, C=2, D=1, F=0), sum the points, and divide by the number of courses.

How do I calculate GPA from my transcript?

To calculate your GPA from your transcript, follow these steps:

  1. Assign point values to each letter grade: A=4, B=3, C=2, D=1, F=0.
  2. For each semester, write down the points corresponding to the letter grades you received.
  3. Add up all the points from each semester.
  4. Count the total number of semester letter grades on your transcript.
  5. Divide the total points by the number of semester letter grades.
  6. This calculation will give you your GPA.

How important is GPA in college?

Your college GPA’s significance depends on various factors. Scholarships often mandate a minimum GPA for eligibility. Sororities, fraternities, and honor societies typically have GPA requirements to maintain membership or avoid probation. College athletes usually must maintain a minimum GPA of 2.0 to stay eligible for sports. Additionally, if you have aspirations of pursuing graduate school or other post-graduate programs, a strong GPA can significantly improve your chances of acceptance.

How to get straight A’s in college?

Achieving straight As in college is no simple task but a few good habits may get you there:

  • Maintain good attendance, avoid skipping classes.
  • Prioritize rest over late-night partying for alertness.
  • Build rapport with professors; visit during office hours.
  • Establish connections for future assistance.
  • Stay committed to studying, meet assignment deadlines, and prepare for exams.
  • Consider joining study groups for collaborative learning.

What is a good GPA in college?

College GPAs are typically lower, on average, than high school GPAs do to the more advanced content of the courses. A GPA of 3.0 is a B average and will likely keep you in compliance with academic scholarship requirements. A GPA of 3.5 or higher will probably get you recognized on the Dean’s List, while a GPA of 4.0 will get you recognized on the President’s List.

What is a good GPA for university?

University GPAs are typically lower, on average, than high school GPAs do to the more advanced content of the courses. A GPA of 3.0 is a B average and will likely keep you in compliance with academic scholarship requirements. A GPA of 3.5 or higher will probably get you recognized on the Dean’s List, while a GPA of 4.0 will get you recognized on the President’s List.

How important is college GPA in getting a job?

Most employers won’t look at your college GPA when considering you for a job. However, some employers will ask for a college transcript to be included with the application, especially if the job requires a college degree or special certification. Your college GPA will be listed on your college transcript. If it is a highly sought after job, your GPA may be looked at.

Are Pass / No Pass courses factored in?

No, P/NP (Pass /No Pass) courses are not factored in the student’s GPA

What Is a Good college GPA?

For college, a good GPA score is between 3.0 and 4.0. Working on increasing this score will be inspired by your desire to continue your education to a master’s degree or a Ph.D. If you don’t intend to get these degrees, a score of 3.0+ is considered good enough.

Do I (Incompletes) and W (Withdrawals) receive grade points?

No. I (Incompletes) and W (Withdrawals) do not receive grade points and do not have an effect on the GPA

How do I calculate AP or Honors courses?

When taking AP (advanced placement) or honors courses, grade points are generally weighted. For example, a half point (.50) is added for honors courses, and a whole point (1.0) is added for AP courses (A then equals 4.50 for an Honors class, or 5.00 for an Advanced Placement class). Contact your college for more information on their grading system as schools may differ when assigning point value.

I have a very low GPA. How do I improve my GPA?

Raising your GPA takes good, old-fashioned hard work, but understanding how GPA works will help you reach your goals. You can use this simple online tool to figure out what GPA will you need in the final to improve your GPA.

How can I calculate my grades?

Use our grade calculator to calculate your study grades.

What Are the Latin Honors College GPA?

Cum Laude, which means “with honor” in Latin, represents the achievements of the students academically.

  • Cum LaudeTo be a Cum Laude, you need to have at least a total of 3.0 GPA and within the top of your class. This is the least of the title “Cum Laude” you can achieve, but it still involves honorable and notable accomplishments from your academics.
  • Magna Cum LaudeMagna Cum Laude is also a measure of distinguished accomplishment in your senior year or in college. Translating to “with great praise,” it includes students who achieved a GPA of 3.4 in total.
  • Summa Cum LaudeSumma Cum Laude is the highest you can achieve in your academy. It means “with highest distinction” in Latin. To be called a Summa Cum Laude student, your GPA needs to be at least a total of 3.7 GPA or above.

Can I round up my GPA?

You can round your GPA to the nearest tenth. For example, 3.48 can also be considered as 3.5. But rounding to the whole number is a no-go. Let’s say you have a score of 2.81. That does not mean you can round it up to 3. Here’s a few considerations you should make while rounding up your GPA.

How can I improve my GPA fast?

It is easier said than done, especially when you are under pressure. For you to improve your GPA, you need to set out a plan.So, what are the considerations to improve your GPA? Find out what it takes to raise your GPA fast.

How to do I get into Ivy Leagues with a poor GPA?

Ivy Leagues, and any other high-end schools, seem out of reach if you have a poor GPA. However, most applications do not always rely on academic scores and wits. Leadership skills, talent, and other good qualities you have may also help you get into your desired school.

Write Your Application Form with Effort and Honesty – Many students overlook the application form and simply write a high GPA, expecting they will get accepted. But high-end schools also look at your non-academic achievements and other redeeming qualities besides your scores.So, making it clean, trustworthy, and with effort will add merit to your chance of getting accepted.

Get Recommendation Letters – Recommendation letters from your professors and counselors will provide you with a higher chance of admission. Although it offers minimal help compared to having a high GPA, the credit and commendation you will receive from them is a credible display of your ability as a reliable student.

Research Other Schools – You may not have a high GPA or talent, but you can apply to schools that offer an alternative admission to those who want to go (though the conditions depend on the school’s preferences). You can research schools that you may like to enter with qualifications besides knowledge. You can also consider starting at a community college or colleges that do not require a high GPA for admission.

Above all, Improve Your GPA while You Still Have Time! – If you want to go to a prestigious school with high standards and you have a poor GPA, it’s time to switch your gears and double up on your studies. While your GPA is not a deciding factor, displaying a good GPA which you gained with effort is praiseworthy.

What Is Weighted GPA and Unweighted GPA?

You might have seen two different systems of GPA. Admittedly, it can get confusing. GPA is not uniform in every school, college, and university. Although weighted GPA and unweighted GPA serve the same purpose — to depict your performance and knowledge — they are different, particularly in the scale.

Unweighted GPA

Unweighted GPA represents your work, regardless of the difficulty level of the class you take. The scale can go from F to A, or in other terms, 0.0 to 4.0.

Weighted GPA

Weighted GPA takes the difficulty of the class you take into consideration. The school may use a scale that goes from 0.0 up to 5.0 or more. Students with honors, AP, and/or IB classes may receive a score of 5.0 to show distinguished accomplishment along with their efforts.

How accurate is this college GPA calculation?

Our GPA calculator is accurate to two decimal places and provides an estimate of your cumulative GPA based on the grades and credit hours you input.

How Do I Calculate College GPA?

Your GPA serves as a metric to assess your progress or achievement throughout your academic program or chosen course of study.

Your GPA is a numerical representation of your performance in individual classes, terms, and academic years. It can fluctuate over your time at the university, reflecting changes in your overall grades, whether they improve or decline.

Unweighted GPA:

In the case of an unweighted GPA, letter grades are converted into equivalent decimal values using the following scale:

  • A = 4.0
  • B = 3.0
  • C = 2.0
  • D = 1.0
  • F = 0.0

To calculate your unweighted GPA:

  1. Translate each letter grade into its numerical equivalent, referring to the table above.
  2. Add these numerical values together.
  3. For instance, if you have grades of 4.0, 2.7, 3.3, and 4.0, you would add them as follows: 4.0 + 2.7 + 3.3 + 4.0.
  4. After converting all your letter grades to numbers and adding them up, divide the sum by the number of classes you took. For example, if you took four classes, you would divide the sum by 4: 14/4 = 3.5.

This system is straightforward, as it does not consider the difficulty level of your courses, resulting in a maximum GPA of 4.0.

Weighted GPA:

Calculating a weighted GPA accounts for the varying difficulty levels of your courses.

Here’s an example:

CourseLetter GradeGrade PointsCredit HoursTotal Points
Foreign LanguageA4.028
Computer ScienceB3.039

In this example, the total points for all subjects add up to 42, and the total credit hours are 13. To calculate the weighted GPA, divide the total points (42) by the total credit hours (13), resulting in a GPA of approximately 3.23.

How can a strong GPA help me get scholarships?

A strong GPA can demonstrate to scholarship committees that you are dedicated to your studies and have the potential to succeed in college and beyond. Many scholarship programs require transcripts or other academic records as part of the application process, and a strong GPA can help you stand out among other applicants.

How can I find out GPA calculator for my college?

We have put together GPA calculation and GPA requirements for some of the mostly searched US based colleges and universities – ranging from Arizona State University to University of California to Louisiana State University. You can check out the list of college specific GPA calculators. Please reach out to us if you’d like us to include GPA calculator for your college or university.

How much does GPA matter for college admissions?

GPA is a significant factor considered by colleges during the admissions process. It provides an overall indication of your academic performance and demonstrates your ability to handle coursework. However, colleges also consider other factors such as standardized test scores, extracurricular activities, essays, and recommendation letters.

Can a low GPA prevent me from getting into my desired college?

A low GPA doesn’t automatically disqualify you from your preferred college. Colleges often review applications holistically, valuing extracurriculars, leadership, community engagement, and a strong personal statement. Highlighting these areas can improve your admission chances.

Can a high GPA guarantee college acceptance?

A high GPA helps but doesn’t ensure college acceptance. Colleges assess test scores, extracurriculars, essays, recommendations, and fit with their values. A well-rounded application is important.

Is GPA more important than standardized test scores for college admissions?

Each college weighs GPA and test scores differently; research their specific admissions preferences.

College GPA Calculator (2024)


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Name: Corie Satterfield

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Introduction: My name is Corie Satterfield, I am a fancy, perfect, spotless, quaint, fantastic, funny, lucky person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.